Game of luck: all about the lottery “Loteria Once

Loteria nacional is the oldest national lottery in Spain. jackpot of € 84 million ! Lotteries in Spain

How does the drawing ceremony take place?.

The drawing ceremony itself, Has not changed much since the 18th century. Certainly, except, technical innovations - the show was first broadcast on the radio, and then on television. There are small bone balls in two huge balls. In one - with the winning amount, in the other - with ticket numbers.

The draw takes place live on Spanish state television. At this moment, almost the entire country freezes in front of their TV screens., listening to the chants in performed by orphans from the San Ildefonso school
, pronouncing the numbers that have fallen out of the drum - the children take out the bones and chant, to the tune of church psalms, - this is also a tribute to tradition - the numbers tell.

¿Cuáles son los sorteos de loto en república dominicana?

Los sorteos de loto en santo domingo son varios pero el más famoso es el loto leisa, a continuación se listan los sorteos de loto:

  • Heart
  • Loto Mas
  • Super Loto Mas
  • Loto Real
  • Megalotto

Principales sorteos de loterías en santo domingo

Participar en una lotería dominicana es una acción de la gran mayoría de dominicanas, elegir una lotería es algo que se complica si vemos la cantidad de loterías que existen, es por eso que te mostramos un resumen de las loterías mas jugadas en el país.

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  • Lotería New York: 12:30 pm.
  • Lotería Real Tarde: 12:55 pm.
  • Lotería Gana Mas: 3:00 pm.
  • Loteka: 7:00 pm.
  • Lotería nueva york noche 7:30 pm.
  • Leidsa: 8:55 pm.
  • National lottery: 9:00 pm.
  • Heart, loto mas y super loto mas: 8:55 pm (miércoles y sábados).

Game Features

Loteria Nacional имеет ряд отличительных особенностей, которые выделяют ее среди прочих аналогичных игр:

Draw times

Розыгрыши лотерейной игры проводятся дважды в неделю (четверг и суббота). Интересно то, что у лотереи нет четко установленного времени для всех тиражей. That is, розыгрыш четверга проходит в 9:30 вечера, а субботняя игра – в 1:20 day

Следует обратить внимание на то, that you need to navigate according to Eastern European time

The circulation has two game circles - the first and second. They play for two wins.

Appearance of a lottery ticket

Each game ticket is divided into 10 fields. They are called "tithes".

The price of one tenth of a ticket differs depending on the time of the drawing.. A "tithe" of a lottery coupon for Thursday's game will cost three euros, and for Saturday's draw - six.

To describe the ticket as simply as possible, then it looks like ten different tickets, combined into one coupon. Why the founders created it this way is unclear, after all, you can simply sell one ticket at a time and not complicate the game with “tithes”.

Особенности билета лотереи

The player is given the opportunity to buy "tithe" (or several) from a lottery ticket, and not the whole thing. The ticket price is equal to the number of parts multiplied by the ticket price on a specific game day. Eg, if the participant chose to buy 2 "tithes" for Saturday's game, then he needs to pay 12 euro.

One single ticket has a specific serial number. How then to distinguish between “tithes”, under the same number? “Tiths” have their own number - the share number. Серийный номер лотерейного билета составлен из пяти номеров, расположенных сверху купона.

Испанская лотерея Loteria Nacional интересна еще и тем, что билеты на каждый тираж не одинаковы. The design team develops the appearance of the game ticket for each subsequent game.

Какие испанские лотереи особенно интересны

Внимания заслуживают La Primitiva, “Евромиллион” и Once. Эти игры пользуются популярностью в Испании и Европе.

The Primitive

“Ла Примитива” – первая форма испанской лотереи. Такой формат игры учредил Карлос III в 1763 year, но называлась она тогда Lotería por Número (дословно переводится – “лотерея по номеру”). IN 1812 году ее переименовали в знакомую итальянцам La Primitiva.

Игра проводится два раза в неделю, следующим образом: организаторами загадываются 49 цифр основного набора, из которых нужно угадать 6, и дополнительный выбор от 0 to 9 – он называется реинтегро – номер возврата.


“Евромиллион” – крупнейшая общеевропейская игра. Эта лотерея лидирует за счет джекпота и высоких шансов на выигрыш. Изначально в игре участвовали Франция, Испания и Англия, но на сегодняшний день количество стран-участников равно девяти.

Правила игры просты. Участники выбирают пять цифр от 1 to 50 и две – from 1 to 11. To receive the minimum prize, you need to guess two positions. Participant, guessed all seven numbers, receives the main prize.

Minimum jackpot – 15 000 000 euro. The largest amount of the main prize was 190 000 000 euro.

Если выигрывают несколько участников, то джекпот делится поровну. Если никто не угадывает все цифры – сумма главного приза переносится на следующий тираж.


Эта игра очень известна в Испании. Ее популярность настолько велика, что билетами дают сдачу в продуктовых магазинах. Розыгрыш проводит Национальная Организация Слепых. The income received is sent to funds to help the disabled. Once was first held in 1938 year, and with 1939 draws take place daily.

Once refers to the passive type of lotteries. На билетах заранее определена комбинация из 5 numbers. Минимальный выигрыш составляет 1,5 euro. Чтобы получить главный приз стоимостью 15 000 000 euro, нужно чтобы совпали 5 чисел и серийный номер билета.

¿Qué es lotería?

Es un sorteo de rifas que permite a las personas adquirir un ticket con los números jugados; se sacan de manera aleatoria los bolos numerados de una tómbola y si el número del boleto encaja con el extraído se recibe una recompensa monetaria.

¿Cómo encontrar los numeros de la loteria dominicana?

Con la plataforma digital es facil encontrar el resultado lotería nacional dominicana, aquí encontraras el resumen loteria nacional dominicana, resultados de loteria loteka, leisa, real tarde y loteria americana ny. Creamos un conjunto completo
de resultados en santo domingo loteria dominicana que puede utilizar para mejorar sus posibilidades de ganar. Estamos aquí para ayudarte a encontrar de manera fácil los numeros ganadores.

Nota:los resultados publicados no son los oficiales, favor verificar con las páginas oficiales de los sorteos antes de romper su ticket.

How to buy an EL Gordo De Navidad lottery ticket?

The Spanish Ministry of Finance informs, что лотерейные билеты национальной государственной лотереи EL Gordo — «Эль Гордо» можно приобрести у лицензированных агентов в Испании, которые занимаются распространением билетов испанских национальных лотерей — LOTERIAS Y APUESTAS DEl ESTADO.

После размещения Вами заказа на покупку лотерейного билета, агент приобретает лотерейные билеты от Вашего имени у лицензированного агента в Испании. На указанный Вами при регистрации адрес электронной почты направляется уведомление о номере билета и дате розыгрыша лотереи.

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El Gordo de Navidad - rules and features of the event

Prize draws are held by students from selected Spanish schools. People attending the drawing dress in extravagant costumes with lottery-themed prints.

The presenters take out balls from two drums. The first contains 100 000 balls, numbered from 00000 to 99999 (how are the tickets). In the second - 1 807 balls, on which the amounts of cash prizes are applied.

A couple of balls are removed at a time, which generates winnings for a specific ticket number. These couples are hanging out for everyone to see. If the children get very big prizes, then they sing the winning ticket numbers, show them to the jury and show them on a special camera. Separate drawings are held for each series of tickets.

Balls are made of wood. Markings are applied to them using a laser method., to eliminate size changes due to a layer of paint and equalize the likelihood of any of them falling out.

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As you see, The Christmas lottery uses an unconventional drawing scheme. In games, which are held throughout the year, usually a few balls are drawn from sets with a small number of balls.

Lottery history

At first I wanted to put the history of the lottery at the beginning of the article, but then it seemed to me, that this is not the most important thing. Although I personally was interested in studying this material. The first organizer of Loteria Nacional Espana was S.

D. Carvajal - director of the economic association of Cadiz

The first organizer of Loteria Nacional Espana was S.. D. Carvajal - director of the economic association of Cadiz.


What motivated Professor Carvajal?, putting forward the idea of ​​​​creating a lottery?

The motive for his action is very simple: at that time Spain fought for its independence and experienced a chronic lack of money. The lottery, carried out on a national scale (and Loteria Nacional Espana is the first project of its kind in Spain) should have become such a source of funds for the state budget, which would not reduce the welfare of the population.

In November 1811 Instructions for conducting the lottery were created, and the first draw took place a few months later - 4 March 1812 of the year.

The drawings of the first years were held there, where the idea of ​​​​creating a lottery was first expressed - in Cadiz. S 1814 of the year, when Spain was freed from the onslaught of Napoleon's army, National lottery draws began to be drawn in the capital of the country - Madrid. After some time, the lottery headquarters also moved there., where it is still located today.

To buy a ticket

King Fernando VII, having come to power, decides to change the name of the lottery: during his reign the "Lotería Moderna" is played out (translated as “Modern lottery”). However, After the death of Fernando VII, the lottery again acquired its old name.

1850 year - a significant milestone in the history of Spain's largest lottery: baskets were used for the raffle for the first time, made of metal. After another 40 years, V 1892 year, the organizers of Loteria Nacional began to hold a separate draw for Christmas - Sorteo de Navidad.

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IN 20 century Loteria Nacional continued to develop rapidly. The first paper lottery tickets went on sale in 1940 year. Improvements in technology have allowed lottery fans to avoid wasting time and money., to find out the results of the next draw: from that moment on, circulations began to be broadcast on television.

In the 90s of the last century, the organizers of Loteria Nacional began to actively engage in charity work. IN 1994 profits from the lottery were donated to the Spanish Association Against Cancer, and a year later, proceeds from the largest draw in Spain helped to hold the World Alpine Ski Championships.

S 2002 All Loteria Nacional winnings are paid out in euros.

Recently, Spain's largest lottery celebrated its 200th anniversary in a big way.: the historical date has arrived 4 March 2012 of the year. On this occasion, a special prize in the amount of 15 million euros.

El Gordo

The culmination of the drawing is the moment, when drawn El Gordo . Lotteries usually only sell tickets for one or two numbers, Therefore, the winners of the largest prizes often live in the same city or area or work for the same company. IN 2011 year Fat was completely sold in Granien , Huesca , city ​​with a population of about 2000 Human. IN 2010 year 414 million euros of the first prize were sold in Barcelona , and the rest 585 million euros from Fat were distributed between Madrid , Tenerife , Alicante , Palencia , Zaragoza , Caceresom and Gipuzkoa . IN 2006 year, the winning number was sold at eight different lottery outlets throughout Spain, while the second prize number (100 000 euros for each day ) sold only at a kiosk in Puerta del Sol in the center of Madrid . IN 2005 year, the winning number was sold in the town of Vic in Catalonia ( population 37 825 Human), whose inhabitants divided about 500 million euros (300 000 euros for each winning performance ).

As a misconception in many countries, non-Spanish speakers, often assumed, what is the term El Gordo specific to the Christmas lottery; some even think, that the name of the lottery is El Gordo . However, in reality El Gordo simply means "first prize" (literally "fat" or, more precisely, "big"); other lotteries also have their own Proudly . To add to the confusion, There is a relatively new weekly Spanish lottery called El Gordo de la Primitiva , which has nothing to do with the Christmas lottery, except for the fact, that it is organized by the Spanish public lottery organization Loterías y Apuestas del Estado. .

Четвертое соревнование покажет, какие лотереи имеют более высокие шансы на выигрыш.

Многие лотерейные игры кичатся многомиллионными размерами своих призов, но какой в этом смысл, если выиграть их практически нереально? Рассмотрим наивысшие шансы и лотерейные игры, предоставляющие их. Наибольшая вероятность одержать победу у лотереи ЕвроДжекпот – 1 To 59 325 280. Далее идет игра ЕвроМиллионы. Тут шансы равны 1 To 116 531 800. Третья ступень в данном рейтинге достается Ла Примитива — 1 To 139 838 160. Очевидно, что и в этом сражении победу одержали европейские лотерейные игры.

В пятом соревновании лотерей мы рассмотрим цены на билеты, что тоже немаловажно при выборе игры. Критерием оценки победителя не будем самый дешевый билет, так как в такого рода лотереях, usually, и выигрыши незначительные. Нам нужна золотая середина

Нам нужна золотая середина

Критерием оценки победителя не будем самый дешевый билет, так как в такого рода лотереях, usually, и выигрыши незначительные. Нам нужна золотая середина.


Данная лотерейная игра имеет страну-учредителя США, но больше направлена на европейские страны. Билет лотереи можно приобрести за 555 dollars. Возможный выигрыш всего один. Он составляет миллион долларов. Вероятность его выиграть 1 To 2000.

Эль Годро (Fat)

Цена билета лотереи составляет 200 dollars. Существует возможность выкупить 10-ю часть билета. Стоимость при покупке онлайн может варьироваться. Это зависит от комиссий посредников.

Как итог: билеты лотерей Европы имеют стоимость выше, нежели их американские собратья. Такие результаты были получены посредством мониторинга иностранных лотерейных игр. Победа в пятом соревновании достается американским лотерейным играм.

Несложные подсчеты приводят нас к тому, What (с небольшим перевесом) все же побеждают лотереи Европы.

Start playing El Gordo de Navidad

Player Restrictions

Lottery players cannot have less 18 years. By participating in sweepstakes, you are subject to the laws of your country of residence and the country where the lotteries are held. Please, don't break the law, we do not guarantee payment of prizes if your ticket wins.

For the portion of the ticket purchased by one player (contribution, tithe or whole ticket) Only the buyer himself can claim. The winnings cannot be taken from him by another person.

If the purchased ticket turned out to be lucky and brought you a certain amount, you can only receive funds in that country, in which they were at the time of the drawing.

Jackpot of € 84 million !

Loteria Nacional – старейшая национальная лотерея Испании, which arose at the beginning of the 19th century as an alternative to the La Primitiva lottery already in force at that time.

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The new lottery project was developed to support the state treasury, seriously damaged during the wars of independence.

The idea of ​​the lottery was, to provide additional funds to the country's Ministry of Finance, without increasing regular taxes for the population.

The National Lottery has been approved 23 November 1811 of the year, a 4 March 1812 year in the Spanish city of Cadiz, what's on the Atlantic coast, her first draw took place.

The lottery's headquarters were first located in San Fernando, then it was moved twice - first to the city of Ceuta (northern coast of Morocco),

and then to the capital of the country Madrid, where it remains to this day.

How much does an online ticket cost?

The cost of Loteria Nacional lottery tickets is low and amounts to 3 euro (on Thursday) and 6 euro (on Saturday).

A “lottery ticket” in this case is called its tenth part or “decimos”, which the vast majority of players acquire.

Cost of a full Nacional lottery ticket, respectively, almost higher 10 once.

What days is the draw held?

Loteria Nacional de Espana is held twice a week - on Thursday and Saturday.

Every Thursday is played 6 series of tickets, Every Saturday - 10 series of tickets.

How to play the Nacional de Espana lottery

To start playing the Nacional de Espana lottery, you must purchase one or more shares of a lottery ticket from a series.

To buy a full lottery ticket, you need to buy ten “decimos” of the same series.

On every ticket (or down) five numbers have already been printed, who participate in the Loteria Nacional draw. Thus, each share is one of 10 tickets with the same number.

On the day of the Nacional lottery draw, five numbered balls are drawn randomly from five reels.

This process is repeated twice in order to, to determine the winner of the first and second prize.

Today anyone can play the National Lottery, no matter, what country in the world does he live in?.

To do this, just find an online service, providing such an opportunity.


Every Thursday a jackpot of approx. 12 million. euro, and every Saturday the lottery prize fund reaches 42 million. euro. Special additional prizes ranging from 1 to 3 million. euro. If the ticket matches the last number, the ticket price is returned to its owner.

Chances of winning

The Spanish National Lottery differs from many world lotteries in its structure, and chances of winning.

Win at Loteria Nacional, really, everyone can. Owners approximately 35 tickets from each 100 receive certain cash prizes according to the number of “decimos” from the series and the number of numbers drawn. Thus, chances of winning are 1 To 3.

Where to view results

You can buy this lottery HERE



Buying Loteria Nacional is easy:

just register on the site, select a ticket and pay for it using any of the proposed methods.

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Post has tags: Tickets, Play, Instructions, The lottery, ONLINE, chances

El Gordo de la Primitiva

Испанцы назвали любимую лотерею с юмором: El Gordo de la Primitiva переводится кактолстушка”, что намекает на исключительно крупный Джекпот, который значительно больше, чем у других лотерей.

Минимальный Джекпот El Gordo – € 5 000 000. Если главный приз никому не достался, он гарантированно увеличится в последующем розыгрыше,
но сумму увеличения невозможно предугадатьона зависит от количества проданных билетов. Максимальный Джекпот El Gordo составил € 33 000 000.

El Gordo проводится в Мадриде по воскресеньям. В игре принимают участие 54 ordinary and 10 special balls.
Призы лотереи можно разделить на 9 категорий, в зависимости от количества отгаданных номеров. To receive the minimum prize, достаточно отгадать 1 number.

Интересно заметить, что El Gordo уходит корнями в ежегодную рождественскую лотерею Loteria de Navidadодну из старейших лотерей в мире, которая проводится с 1812 of the year.
Главный приз Loteria de Navidad называется El Gordo. Правила праздничной лотереи нестандартны: игроки покупают билеты с заранее напечатанными на них номерами.
Tickets with the same numbers can go to tens or hundreds of participants.

Loteria de Navidad draw – colorful theatrical performance, which lasts about five hours. В розыгрыше участвуют два барабана.
Из каждого из них одновременно выбирается по одному шару. На первом шаре напечатан номер билета, а на второмсумма выигрыша, которая присуждается этому билету.
Розыгрыш длится до тех пор, пока в барабанах не останется ни одного шара. IN 2012 year 180 участников Loteria de Navidad получили по € 4 000 000,
еще более десяти тысяч человекот € 200 до € 1 250 000.

New Year's Lottery in Spain - Loteria de Navidad.

Millions of people, like in the country itself, and abroad, поскольку через интернет приобрести билетик можно в любой точке Земли, on the eve of the lottery draw in Spain, they are trying to calculate the lucky combination of numbers. Everything counts, from goals in football matches, dates of happy events or global disasters, to the birthdays of sports and pop idols, as well as until their concert dates, which I managed to visit.

The prize fund includes 70%. 30% - goes to pay distributors. By the way, lottery draws bring phenomenal amounts to the state treasury! The proceeds finance major projects, donations are also made. Therefore, at one time there was a monopoly in Spain. Today, almost all of the most popular lotteries in Spain operate under government auspices and are available to people from all corners of the globe..

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